
 Are there any extra costs involved in hosting a secure site?

Yes, you'll need to buy a digital certificate from a certificate authority.

 Can I do secure business with credit cards on my site?

Yes, but there is some extra cost. You will need to purchase a dedicated IP number for your...

 Do you provide password protection to folders?

Yes. This is easily set up through your control panel, but may not be used if you are also using...

 How secure is e-business conducted on your server?

We ensure that data sent from your viewer's Internet browser will make it to our servers safely....

 How secure is my web site?

You should use the secure protocols in FTP and eMail. This will ensure that your data stream is...

 How secure is your web server

We employ standard methods of safeguarding against any malicious entry to a website on our...

 I wish to access to my site using https:// how can I do that?

You need a unique or static IP address which you may order from us. We need some information...

 If some one tries to see one of my folders your server shows the contents of that folder in directory structure. How can I protect them?

Ensure there is an index file in each folder even if that file is empty.

 What is .htaccess?

Among other things, this file can be used to restrict access to other files and web pages. When a...